First of all, here's a close up of our crappy old fixture:

Ugh. Don't click on it for the expanded view. We never even bothered dusting it after we moved in, because, honestly, we didn't think it would be hanging here this long. Only two of the bulbs are still working, because we didn't bother changing out the burned ones for the same reason. One of us thinks the old light is too small for the room, the other one thinks it's fine. (Again, I'm not sayin' who.)
Here's a close-up of the new one. Sources online are selling it for $242 to $659 (yeah, I'm not kidding. But the one at $659 includes the bulbs, LOL). We picked this one up for sixty bucks. Yeah, $60.00. Who cares if we have to buy bulbs, right?

We're really having trouble coming to an agreement on this. Should we use it or not? Ted stood up on a chair to kind of hold it up there and get an idea. As far as perspective, he's standing maybe 1 1/2 to 2 feet closer to the camera than the old lamp is. It's bigger, but not that much bigger.

I'm replacing a fixture in the dining room area of the living room/dining room. The original 80s fixture is a hanging one. I'm thinking of going with a semi flush or even flush fixture because of the hitting head issue. Even though the current fixture is higher than most people's heads, it still makes me nervous.
I actually think the old one looks too skimpy. I say go for it!
I like that size... the room looks plenty big for it.
Another 'yes' on the new fixture. I like the looks and I think it's fine for the room size. That stand holding it in the picture looks kind of funny, though :-)
Agree that the old one looks too small...
sooooo much better
Too funny; my mother has the exact same feature (the NICE one *g*) and I have to say that I absolutely adore it. It's not flashy, so it won't be in your face the way the old gold one will. I like how the frosted vases diffuse the light. It's a classic look that can go with many different styles. So, yeah, definitely go with the new one. :-)
Hmmm--Ted has accused me of writing a biased post, so you all know I'm the one who kinda likes it and to get you all to agree with me. Anybody think the chandelier is just kinda "eh, nothing special"? Anybody hate it?
What we'd ultimately like to see is an antique slip shade chandelier, but those are pricey and not a priority right now.
Seriously, I guess my mom gets a vote, too. Afterall, this is for the downstairs unit of the two-flat--her unit. We're staying here, too, while we rent out the top unit and work on the basement rooms. She'll be home tonight, and we'll see what she thinks.
My vote? It's too big
I think it looks OK, even though he's technically closer to the camera.
What store is going out of business? Are they still selling stuff? We're looking to replace our dining room chandelier/pendant, and I'm safely assuming you're talking about a (relatively) local shop, right? Are you willing to share? :)
Andy-the Menards stores in Hanover Park (on Irving) and Hoffman Estates (on Higgins) are closing to accommodate a new superstore in Hanover Park at Irving Park/Barrington Road.
We just found out yesterday that everything in the stores is 50% off; by the time we got there last night (both stores are pretty close together), it was essentially picked over, about 90% empty. They were selling fixtures off the walls (we got a bunch of display lights at 10 bucks a piece), kitchen cabinet displays, etc. (There was a whole pile of cabinet doors for a buck a piece still sitting there, dozens and dozens of them.)
There was a lot of lumber left, and quite a bit of paving stones. All the electrical, plumbing, etc. was pretty much gone. A few Christmas decorations, some gardening was still there. Miscellaneous odds and ends, really.
Since another day has gone by, it's probably not worth the drive out there unless you work close by. I wish I had heard about it sooner!
The last day of the sale is Nov. 24th.
Andy--There really weren't any other chandeliers left; mostly just nipple lights.
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