I have one brother, no sisters. It's very hard for me to imagine what it must be like to grow up in a large family. I never had to share my room or fight for my parents' attention. Unfortunately, with only one sibling, when you're on the outs it's almost like being an only child. Nobody left to form an alliance with.
Ted is one of four children, and his dad Bob one of seven. This made for a very large clan gathering in Sioux City, Iowa.

The Calhoun Reunion was like most clan gatherings. We ate, we played silly games, we ate some more. Did I mention that we ate?

There was some imbibing of beer and spirits, too.

(I nabbed this photo from Cousin Sandy, who is in the pale blue shirt across the table from me.)
After the gathering ended, after the campgrounds were tidied and the mountains of leftover food packed away, the diehards met in Bob (Ted's dad) and Rachel's room for some more drinking, storytelling, and yes, a little bit of singing.

(Courtesy of Cousin Jeanne)
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup butter (margarine)
1 teas sour milk
1 teas. soda
2 eggs
2 cups flour
pinch salt
2 or three bananas mashed
1/2 cup nuts
Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour
Note from Jeanne: I usually double this. For the sour milk I put a little vinegar in the sweet milk and then add the soda.
For Frosting:
1 - 2lb. bag of powdered sugar
1 - pinch of salt
1/4 stick of butter or margarine
a little drop of milk
At right: Grandma Polly Calhoun
H you had me at banana bread...swoon...
I'll post the recipe for the frosting as soon as someone passes it on to me. :-)
We put cream cheese on banana bread.
Is it legal to have a family reunion without jello molds?
Hmmm. Come to think of it, I don't recall seeing a single jello mold. It was all about the cheese and banana bread.
There must be many versions? Anxious to see the frosting - I've asked the Butler's for it. Sour milk...imagine!
I want the frosting recipe too!
WHOO HOO! I made the blog!!!
Cousin Sandy - not to be confused with Cousin Eddie
I really love this blog. The cheese looks really amazing.
You should get in touch with the bizymoms Sioux-city community to feature these on their page. It’s free and the moms will love it.
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