In another two or three years, after the market improves and we sell the condo in Chicago, Ted and I would like to get another multi-unit building as an investment property. So I'm always looking at the house-for-sale adverts for in town and our old neighborhood, Uptown. Ideally, we'd like a two-flat in Uptown with a semi-finished basement that we can create office space in for ourselves or use as a mini owner's apartment. That way, we'd have our "city" place and our "country" place. We really do miss Uptown, sometimes. We lived within a few blocks of two major concert venues, the Riv and the Aragon Ballroom, as well as The Green Mill, the oldest continually operated jazz club in the United States. No kidding. Al Capone hung out there, and everything.
But I did spot a listing for a bungalow a few blocks up the street from The Box House. It's going for half of what all the other single family houses on the street are listed or appraised at. So what gives? Could it be this:

dy-no-mite, how cool is that? Funky basement murals! It would feel so hip and urban living in there!
Actually, the house is very much a fixer-upper, way more than I'd probably want to tackle. So I say we'll have to take a pass on this one. *Sigh* If only...
For some odd reason I really like that mural.
I agree - it has some weird modern art qualities. In the right gallery setting, people would go bonkers.
Still, I like Joanne's dyn-o-mite description best!
Unfortunately, whoever buys this house will probably knock it down and build something new. It's in pretty bad shape. So I fear the mural will be lost.
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