If you saw my bedroom closet, you'd know I'm not one for name brands and designer labels (you'd also see that it's way too small to share with Ted, which is why we're still living out of boxes until we finish off areas of the basement for better storage). Most of what I wear is folk-inspired, hand-made-things-bought-while-on-vacation, purchased-on-eBay, or generally one-of-a-kind items. (Probably more to do with the cash-poor life of a freelancer than anything else, I think.) So I'm actually a bit surprised at myself for buying Tommy Hilfiger bedding.
After removing the drywall and ceiling boards from my basement office, and vacuuming and scrubbing the heck out of it to get rid of all the coal dust, plasterboard remains, and spiders, Ted and I set up a day bed against one wall. Now the room can do double duty as a guest room, although I know for a fact none of my friends and family will sleep down here while it's still looking too much like a basement. When guests are here, Ted and I will no doubt have to vacate our bedroom.
Even though new bedding was not at the top of the list, I poked around the bed-in-a-bag options at Target, Amazon, etc. I wanted something kind of fun, slightly bohemian, and cheerful enough to distract the eye so you'd perhaps forget, even for a moment, that you're sleeping directly underneath the decorative fireplace upstairs, the bottom of which is now quite visible between the joists. But everything I looked at was just sort of yuck.
Eventually, I stumbled on this Tommy Hilfiger Dharma collection (from 2005, I think). It's perfect--the bold blues and hippie flowers are gorgeous. Originally it would have cost a freakin' fortune--I totalled up over $500 for the odds and ends before I got bored looking up the original prices. But searching on eBay and Amazon, I found all the pieces I wanted--duvet cover, sheet set, dust ruffle, shams, and even the foofy decorative pillow--for a tenth of that, with shipping.
After removing the drywall and ceiling boards from my basement office, and vacuuming and scrubbing the heck out of it to get rid of all the coal dust, plasterboard remains, and spiders, Ted and I set up a day bed against one wall. Now the room can do double duty as a guest room, although I know for a fact none of my friends and family will sleep down here while it's still looking too much like a basement. When guests are here, Ted and I will no doubt have to vacate our bedroom.
Even though new bedding was not at the top of the list, I poked around the bed-in-a-bag options at Target, Amazon, etc. I wanted something kind of fun, slightly bohemian, and cheerful enough to distract the eye so you'd perhaps forget, even for a moment, that you're sleeping directly underneath the decorative fireplace upstairs, the bottom of which is now quite visible between the joists. But everything I looked at was just sort of yuck.
Eventually, I stumbled on this Tommy Hilfiger Dharma collection (from 2005, I think). It's perfect--the bold blues and hippie flowers are gorgeous. Originally it would have cost a freakin' fortune--I totalled up over $500 for the odds and ends before I got bored looking up the original prices. But searching on eBay and Amazon, I found all the pieces I wanted--duvet cover, sheet set, dust ruffle, shams, and even the foofy decorative pillow--for a tenth of that, with shipping.

Damn, I just love a good bargain. Did anybody else get some good shopping done this week?
Cool bedding and a great deal.
I scored too, I'll show the internets my textile bargains later
Really cute bedding!
I guess it has been a good week for bargains. We got our patio furniture and I finagled a sweet deal for a hotel room and car for my Boston trip. Kind of a trip. Taking my little sister to college.
Life is good after a few bargains.
Modernemama--I'll be sure to check that out.
Amalie--I saw the new furniture on your site, and it looks great. Life is good after a few bargains.
Love it!!! Very colorful and fun without being cutesy. Rock on.
Ooh, it's so cute! I did a long online bedding hunt, too, searching all the places you did. We ended up using eBay for Pottery Barn overstock dealers. Nothing satisfies like a deal!
This malty color bedsheets is looking very nice. Its giving a cool look, thanks for this post.
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