The porch is almost there. A few weeks ago, I showed Mom how to search for extra bargains when shopping online. She found some good, basic, texturized vinyl roller shades that she really liked at JCPenny that were on sale at an already great price (I think they were originally thirty each). We searched Google with the phrase "JCPenny Coupon Code" and found a coupon for 20% off. Combined with a special one-day free shipping promo, we got all four shades for the porch for
less than forty bucks with tax. Sweet! The gray-blue nicely compliments the yellow walls and gray trim. As a temporary measure until we decide what to do with the porch, it looks pretty good!
The tenants liked the overall look, so we'll be painting the upstairs porch yellow, too. We're moving the plain white vinyl shades that were on the lower level to the upper porch, which didn't have any shades, just crummy fabric stapled in place.
Mom now spends time in the morning on the porch working at her hand quilting. The quilt on the rack is one for my Aunt Marsha; the tropical fabrics include forties-style pinup girls. Too cute!
Here's a closeup of one of the fabrics she's using, although the background color on this sample is blue (hers is red, but same print):
Oh, that fabric is to die for and the porch looks great! I never buy anything online without searching for the coupon code first - what a sweet deal you got, indeed.
Marilyn . . I love this fabric too. This is the second quilt Ive done using it. First was for an old friend living at the Veterans Home in Quincy, Illinois. Wes served in the Pacific during WW2 so I knew he would appreciate the 40s bathing beauties. In fact the quilt caused quite a stir. Rumors being what they are it took 24 hours for the word to spread that Wes had a quilt with "naked girls" on it. Gotta love those old men. He had people knocking on his door to see it. Including the base commander!
Evil Mom Lady
I really love that fabric. Makes me think, for some reason, of my Dad!
Hmmm, Sandy, is there a story there about your dad and bathing beauties?
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