We haven't used the walkie talkies since.
But this weekend, when the power mysteriously went out in one and a half rooms of the tenants' unit, it required a great deal of shutting the breaker on and off to test the connections down a length of wire. All three bedrooms of that unit, the bathroom, half the living room, and the refrigerator--not the whole kitchen, mind you, just the refrigerator--are on a single breaker. The power had gone out in the last bedroom/living room, so we needed to trace the length of the wire to see where it had gone faulty. (Ted eventually traced it to a connection in the middle bedroom, and got it working properly.)
I manned the breaker while Ted worked. The problem is the breaker is in the basement, the tenants' unit two floors up. Shouting doesn't work as a means of communication--you simply can't hear from that far away--and cell phones quickly became a hassle. The walkie talkies ended up being the perfect solution, and I'm glad we've found a second use for them.
Plus, they're pretty darn fun. Breaker 1-9.
I didnt know your blog, interesting¡¡ i knew it though Dinosaucer blog.. hugs from spain.. pedro
¡Mucho gusto, Pedro! Thanks for stopping by my blog!
We have a set but I refuse to use them. The Fiance thought it was funny to talk loudly in stores and say things like "DON'T FORGET TO GET TAMPONS!" really loud. Oh he's a laugh-riot...
LOL I would never take them shopping like that, although they might come in handy at a Super Target. Those places are freakin' huge.
that is such a great idea!
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