26 August, 2008

Bring the Buddha Back...

...and there won't be any questions.

I was out watering the garden today, and suddenly realized that someone had stolen our Buddha. It was one of my dad's favorite sculptures from his garden, and sat for several years on the balcony of my condo as well. When we moved to The Box House, he came with us and took up residence under the portico, next to the front door. And now he's gone.

I know there must be some Buddhist lesson here about attachment and clinging to worldly possessions, but I'm a little sad anyway.


modernemama said...

No, I can't even imagine the bad the karma that comes from stealing Buddha. I hope they return it before they find out what that means...

Rae said...

Some people suck.

I'd place an ad in the local paper asking for him back, no questions asked. It could happen.

Jen said...

Oh No!!!!
I agree with Modernemama......the Karma from stealing a Buddha is gotta be really bad! I mean BAD !

Maybe place a sign on your porch asking for your Buddha back.

Joanne said...

I placed a sign on the door, above the lotus pedestal (they left us the pedestal), asking for the Buddha back--no questions asked. I'll try Craig's List as well.

We also filed a report with the Evanston Police Department, although they can't do much. They didn't even come to the house to take the report, they did it over the phone. This I found odd, because when I was in Chicago the police would prioritize your call, and come out eventually, even for property theft. It might take an hour, but you'd have a report for your insurance records (if you chose to make a claim).

Jocelyn said...

I'll cross my fingers that they will return it. Petch House got their bench back so anything is possible.

Why S? said...

That is so weird because I've had not one but TWO Buddhas stolen from my front porch. After the first one, I even wrote some kind of a karma warning on the underside of the second. Didn't help. The third Buddha wasn't touched. I thought it was either kids or some of the uptight proselytizers that wander the neighborhood.

Anonymous said...

Is Northwestern starting soon? Or has it recently started?

Because a missing Buddha in a college town... I'd start with the frat houses.

(I'm embarrassed to tell you how much stuff we, er, "borrowed" for our dorm room when I was in college. The one that immediately comes to mind is one of those white and orange striped "horses" with the orange flashing lght on top that they put in construction zones. It was a nightlight. Except in December, when it became a creche. Baby Jesus under a construction horse. I have a feeling stealing was the *worst* sin there!)

I feel obligated to mention that that was many years ago and I'm now a disgustingly upstanding citizen.

Jean Martha said...

I'm hoping that you'll start to get pictures of it in the mail from far flung places and that it will eventually be returned.

Joanne said...

ILU--Yeah, that would be cool to get photos of our Buddha traveling 'round. But he's solid concrete; I'm sure his captors would give themselves a hernia trying to lug him around everywhere, LOL!

Tonia--I had a construction horse, too. It was hilarious getting it into our car and trying to keep the flashing light covered as we drove past a squad car. Ah, those days of misspent youth.

Jocelyn--Thanks for the good thoughts!

why s?--We figure it's just kids, especially since they left the pedestal behind. Although we do have our share of uptight proselytizers in the 'hood, too. I'd like to replace the statue, and was thinking of putting a karmic warning on it. I'm kinda bummed you've had two that have been knicked.

Lady Quilter said...

that horse is still in the basement . . . .

Marilyn said...

That is the worst kind of instant bad karma. I hope it comes back to you, Joanne!

Anonymous said...

If something is really yours and should belong to you one day of another. Those who have stolen the statuatte will feel that they don't need it any more because it will bring only harm to them.

Karen Anne said...

I'm so sorry. Having things with a family attachment stolen is a lasting sadness.

I second the idea of posters, mentioning a sentimental attachment, no questions asked return or asking for info. If someone did take it for a dorm room, maybe that will turn it up.

After a similar incident where I lived before, I moved anything I was really attached to into the backyard where it was out of sight.

Joanne said...

I've left the empty stone base sitting in front of the house, with my "missing buddha" poster hanging above it, to silently reproach those who took it. Maybe it will show up...

Thanks everyone for the kind wishes!