We've barely had any rain for the last month or so. Storm clouds have rolled on through, but they always seem to miss us. I've had to go out with the hose every morning to water the newly planted shrubs to keep them alive. I know, August isn't the best time for planting because of the drought-like conditions, but there are a lot of deals at the nurseries...
We finished filling in the corner with a few Home Depot shrubs, including a lavender Rose of Sharon, a couple of low-growing Magic Carpet Spirea, a Ghost Weigela, and a charming Little Henry Sweetspire.

Of course, the gladiolas that were supposed to be deep purple and white came out a rosey-pink:
My favorite blooms right now are the daturas. I grew them all from seed, and have them planted outside my office, and in various clumps throughout the yard. You can smell them a good twenty feet away. The blooms open at dusk, and wilt away in the morning sun.
I had the same gladioli, also some lavender ones that came out dark purple, lol. Sometimes the garden is like Forrest Gump's box of chocolates, but most everything turns out tasty and nice.
No matter what color the flowers end up being, the garden still makes me smile whenever I drive up to the house.
Good thing I photographed those flowers yesterday, though, something came through last night and chomped all the stalks of the glads. *Sigh*
I LOVE this!!! It looks beautiful and the change from when you moved in is stunning. Well done! I just can't wait to visit your house someday...
It's amazing how the plantlife really softens up the house! Great job.
I'm a sucker for before and afters. Love your little fence, and those daturas are spectacular.
What a wonderful addition to your corner. Landscaping makes such a difference-I am a firm believer-so pretty!
Late August, the morning glories that I planted back in May finally started to flower. Our weather was so crappy this summer!
Your flowers are beautiful!
I always enjoying see before and after pictures. You've made the house look like a home. I don't grow gladiolas, so it was nice to see photos of yours.
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