If anyone is interested in trying this yourself I've included instructions.

For one standard case, cut fabric 27" by width of the fabric. It's usually 42" or 44" wide. Cut off the selvages, this is the factory edge. The fabric is woven tighter on the edge and will most likely shrink more when washed. Fold the accent band (11" X 44" piece) in half lengthwise - right side out. Stitch to one long edge of the case. Press open
Fold in half, right sides together, matching ends of band. Stitch long side and bottom. Turn right side out. This final step can be done with a zig zag stitch or on a Serger sewing machine.
If doing a queen size pillowcase start with the larger piece 33" X 44" instead of the 27"
If anyone wants to duplicate the cases I did, you can still find the fabric on eBay; it's from a 2007 collection no longer in production. Search for Alexander Henry Loteria Fabric or Mexican Tarot Cards
Box Mom (Donna)
Cute! I love the fabric.
Thanks for the awesome instructions! I'm hoping to make some pillowcases from (soft) old feed sacks in the next week or so. Super helpful!
Renovation Therapy - I love working with old feed sacks. Since the were first made to hold flour, etc the fabric had to be extra strong. Making them perfect for project 30 years later! Please, if you can,post pictures of your pillowcases, I would love to see your results.
Box Mom
Will do...it's still on my "to do" list. LOL
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