I barely crawled out of bed yesterday. I think all the stress of prepping the tenants' unit, getting ready for and taking a week-long
vacation, and juggling real work had caught up with me. I woke up with one whopper of a cold: scratchy eyes, sore throat, stuffed head, congestion, the works. So I dosed up on Nyquil, didn't get out of my jammies, and brought one of my client projects to bed with me, although I didn't actually get much work done on it.
I'm feeling much, much better today, and rather self-satisfied with all the work we
did accomplish. We pretty much hauled butt on the tenants' unit, taking advantage of a few weeks of down time between tenants.
In three weeks, this is what we did. There are links to some of the projects:
Bedroom #1Updated electrical, including new wiring and installation of a reproduction push button switch
Stripped the original sconces, refinished them in silver, and rewired themPainted the room blue using Behr Venetian plaster
Replaced all switch plate and socket covers
Bedroom #2Updated electrical, including new wiring and installation of a reproduction push button switch
Stripped the original sconces, refinished them in gold, and rewired themInstalled new smoke detector
BathroomRepaired door so that it closes
Recaulked tub
KitchenInstalled new lock on door (the old one was unsafe, and not up to code, requiring a key to lock from the inside)
Dining RoomUpdated electrical, including new wiring and installation of a reproduction push button dimmer switch
Replaced light fixture with a vintage chandelier, which Ted rewired before installing
Painted the room Tuscan Tan using Behr Venetian plaster
Living RoomUpdated electrical
Found the original light switch hidden in the wall, and restored
Found the original sconce boxes hidden in the wall, and restored
Rewired and installed a set of sconces, circa 1920, found on eBay
Installed new ceiling fan, where there was no other light fixture
Painted the room using Behr Venetian plaster
BasementCleared one of the rooms in the basement to create a storage area for tenants
GarageAlthough not related to the tenants, we cleared a lot of crap out of the garage
GardenI created two new flower beds along the front of the house, pictures to come
Whew! I think I need another vacation!
I'm sure I'm forgetting a few things on the list, so I'll let Mom and Ted chime in to remind me. Now that the new tenants are in, we can refocus our attention to other portions of the house. Upcoming projects include Mom's bedroom, installing two new doors in the basement, and clearing out (the goal) 30% of the junk in the basement as we reorganize all storage areas. Oh, and Ted and I have hopes of moving to the basement soon. We'll see how that goes.