27 September, 2011

The Guest Room -- Done! (Sorta)

This was my least-favorite room of the house. It is the guest room off the kitchen, which back in the day may have been the maid's room. Even apartment-dwelling families in Chicago and Evanston sometimes had maids, so I've been told, and the bedroom by the kitchen was often set aside for them.

When we moved in, the trim was all painted blue. Baby blue. The walls were three different shades of yellow. It dawned on me that, after three years, I still hadn't found the time to strip off the paint on the trim, and with all the other projects backing up, probably wasn't going to get to it anytime soon. So, I bit the bullet and bought a gallon of white paint. If I have to strip off six layers of paint from the trim in the future, what's one more? I consider it a temporary solution, but one which allows me to have guests stay with us without being embarrassed where I put them.

The antique bed is one I found at an estate sale, as is the quilt, the doily is one my great grandmother made, and the table I found in an alley! The cat I got in Guatemala when we took my mom there to climb pyramids a few years ago. The room has become a great place to take an afternoon nap.


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